Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Broken Glass

I am stepping on broken glass
Trying to forget my past
I made some wrong turns on this road
And now I carry a heavy load
I take a few more steps into believing
But in those few steps my feet start bleeding
I want to believe and show you I can
But the adversary has a different plan
I try to push those thoughts from my mind
But I still feel like I am walking blind
I know you are there and that you believe in me
Then before I know it I have fallen to my knees
I try once more and land on my face
I thought my belief would make my feel safe
These doubts in my mind are making me suffer
I know these doubts are not of God, but of the other
I wish I could say I never had a doubt,
But it was hard to endure when I had no way out
I stay still lying in the broken glass
Waiting for this time to pass
While I wait I remember Jesus Christ
I remember he paid the ultimate price
He knows how I feel and how I want to believe
He knows that Satan loves to deceive
I know he won’t give up on me
And he won’t just let me be.
I try to move but there is still no light
I reach for help, but it is out of sight
I decide I can’t let the adversary win
I couldn't let myself drown in sin
I believe more now
I want to get better, but don’t know how
I cry for help out loud
But I still felt like I was in a dark cloud
I cry one more time hoping for someone to hear
Then I heard a quiet voice say “hush dear”
I open my eyes and begin to see a light
It was so beautiful and so bright
Now I don’t remember what the past was about
I picked my head up and said “I found my way out”
I look back and realize he was there the whole time
Even though I felt I was walking blind
He softened my fall
Even when I didn't give Him my all
He never would abandon me
He just had to wait and let me see
I know Jesus is my King
And unto Him our praises we sing
And I know that when we are under His crown
There is no reason for us to be down
He is my Savior, King, and Brother
He loves me more than any other
I know that he is my friend
And I know he is with me until the very end
When I saw that light I found my way out
And now I no longer have a doubt
He wants to show us His love
And he constantly watches us from above
I was walking on broken glass
Trying to forget my past
Now I don’t remember what the past is about
And it’s because he let me find my way out.

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