So I have had quite an interesting week. It snowed for the first time and I've just been busy busy busy. I can't seem to find time for myself. Having these few moments to blog is the most precious time I have right now. The only time I get to relax is when I am going to bed and even then it's not all that relaxing because we always have people over. I'm not complaining, but sometimes I just wish they would hang out somewhere besides the living room. I love my roommates to death and I would do anything for them, don't get me wrong. They are so adorable and I'm so glad I met them this semester!
The crunch bar was really pretty so I wanted to take a picture of it...
Old memories.. So The first pictures of me and my roommates, Alex and Jade, were taken I think the first or second week of school and the second pictures were taken yesterday, the eleventh week of school. Things have changed so much since then. The girls haven't changed, just the knowledge of them. I would have never known that the girl with the pretty smile has so much history..
it snowed today for the first time! it was so amazing to wake up and see the soft powdery snow on the ground. talk about a wonderful Saturday morning! I have seriously been slacking in the blogging department these daysss.. I'm gonna catch up tho!
food for thought: sometimes when you doubt yourself letting yourself fall could be the biggest mistake of your life.