Monday, October 13, 2014

lists, lists & more lists

I am so freaking stressed out I can barely handle it! There is so much to do this week I feel like I can barely function..

find out how to get a marriage licence
take and exam
write history paper
write child development paper
schedule a fitting for my wedding dress
pick out color palette
do other history homework
study for history exam
propose to bridesmaids
pick out engagement pictures
order invites
put a guest list together
get on birth control
get a head count for reception in Utah
get a head count for reception in Virginia
find a caterer
choose bridesmaids
book hotel
book honey moon
figure out honeymoon expenses
do all my laundry
organize my room

aaaaaand that is just this week. there are a million other things to do, but if I think of it all at once I get too overwhelmed.

On the other hand! I am super happy that I am getting married. Nick seriously makes everything better and I wish he knew how much I loved him and how happy he makes me. I wish he wasn't so far away! I love seeing him on weekends, but I cant wait to not have to say goodbye to him. Sunday nights seem to be the hardest because I know it will be a while until I can see him again. Sometimes it is even a full week... I know I shouldn't be complaining because I spent 5 months away from him so 5 days shouldn't be that hard, but it is. He is my best friend and it is hard to hang out with other people because if there are guys around and they know you are engaged they treat you like you have the plague or something. So it ends up not even being fun... I really don't enjoy sitting in my room alone, like I am now, but it is better than  going out and being ignored..

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