Holy Goodness!
I am so happy right now! Nick and I have been praying for our financial aid to be approved. We both had a few struggles with our grades which is what may have prevented us from receiving federal financial aid. So we had to petition about getting our financial aid. Basically, we both had to write a letter explaining what prevented us from doing well in previous semesters. So we did. We had to write and rewrite those letters three times to get them "pre-approved". That's basically just getting them approved to be reviewed by the financial aid board. So that was a head ache. It took about a week and a half to fianlly get them to accept the letters to be reviewed. I recieved news back the next day saying that mine was apporved, but we hadn't head about Nicks letter so we were a little discouraged. We prayed every night that it would be approved. We made sure to read our scriptures. We paid our tithing on Sunday. We made sure we prayed together every night as well as on our own. We needed to have that prayer answered. And it was!
Our prayers were answered and we received news this morning that we will be receiving federal financial aid! We couldn't be more grateful!
Not only will we get federal loans, but we also receive pel-grants which we do not have to pay back. That is such a big relief! We are so grateful to out Heavenly Father for blessing us so that we can continue to go to school!
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