Late at night is when things become most clear. I think through the day as I wait for my mind to drift off into a deep sleep. I sift through conversations that I wish would have gone differently. Life becomes so crystal clear in the darkness that falls upon my room as the sun goes down. Darkness is a place where my questions get answered, but some still remain a mystery. But sometimes things end up piling on and I cant control the emotional stress that takes over my entire body and mind. I wish I could just shut off my brain sometimes just to give myself a break. Darkness can bring absolute despair, but it can also bring the most blissful peace to our minds.
Monday, July 29, 2013
Friday, July 26, 2013
CrAzY Monkeys!
These kids are seriously the cutest! I got to babysit them all day today while their parents were at the hospital. I really love having them around. They can be a handful, but honestly I would rather hang out with these crazy kids than hanging out with friends or even going on a date. Every time I am around them I cant help, but smile. Even though there might be a few times when I wish I didn't have to say "no" so often I still love being around them.
Today we went to the park for a little while and then we went to our local lake and went swimming. We had a ton of fun. We had incidents from a bee sting to running around the house naked. They are crazy kids, but I seriously love them.
Carly is the oldest. She is almost 12! which mean she will soon be going into young women's! I know she is super excited!
Then there is parker, he is six. he has been a little terror since he was born. He loves to get into everything and cause trouble where ever he is, but he is still super sweet.
Then thee is Clark. He is the real sweet one. he has been a cuddle-buddy since day one. He is very sensitive and can be kind of a loner, but he is too adorable.
Then there is Addison, she is the youngest girl. We like to call her Addy. She is seriously miss sassy pants. she had got an attitude and will tell you exactly what she means and what she wants.
Easton is the newest member of their cute family. He is not pictures, but I am so excited for him to get older and see what kind of person he is.
This goes to show even if you are raised by the same parents, in the same situation, and in the same house everyone turns out different. Not because mom and dad made you that way because you came with your own personality and that takes precedence over how mom and dad raised you. (so parents cant put all the blame on themselves for having a crazy kid)
Thursday, July 25, 2013
Cassie is such a natural beauty. It doesn't take much for her to be beautiful in a picture. I love natural beauty, not too much make-up or crazy clothes, just natural. Today I haven't been quite certain what I wanted to write about, but these pictures kept coming to mind. Even at work I couldn't wait to get home and blog, but all I could think about were these pictures. So I am not exactly sure how this post is going to turn out, but oh well. Hope you like the pictures because for one I'm at a loss for words!
Wednesday, July 24, 2013
you seriously cant help, but smile when you laugh.. in fact you cant laugh without smiling in the first place. (trust me we have tried) laughter is something that is very contagious. when one person starts laughing it usually spreads. The sheer joy that passes over someone's face when they are laughing is priceless. The are the only ones that can make them that happy. Just by smiling at someone or cracking a joke when they are in a bad mood can change their whole attitude into a positive one. I think that, especially now days, people don't laugh often enough. people just seem more glum about everything no matter what it is they have to find the negative in it. we should laugh more often and worry less. it will make us not only more happy, but more positive over all. try laughing more and see how you feel. you will be surprised at what a little laughter can do.
Tuesday, July 23, 2013
what. a. world.
What a world we live in. Full of life and full of beauty. Colors pop with the slightest glimmer of sunlight. Colors hot like crimson, and cool like turquoise. We are surrounded by the most gracious and astounding shapes, colors, and life. But somehow we all seem to miss it. day after day we walk around and don't stop to appreciate the beauty that surrounds us daily. People get caught up in the hustle and bustle of city life. As the city is beautiful, it lacks the colors of nature that brings peace to our minds. We get astounded by vast building and art sculptures that capture our attention when the real beauty is right beneath our feet. We walk on it everyday. Our eyes skim past it while we get into our cars and our senses seem to ignore the elements of nature as we go about our lives. But then we have those moments when our senses override the auto pilot of ignorance and we look closer and discover the most amazing things. We notice the sheen that graces leaves as the sun gleams across it. We see the flowers that seem to stand out among the rest of the shrubbery. We also see the roughness of the bark that makes patterns that never follow any rules. Then soon enough we get sucked back into the auto pilot world where the only things we find interesting are the little blue lights that make a text message glow. What a world we live in that we look past natural beauty and try to create our own. What a world we live in where the most beautiful things get walked on and forgotten. What a world we live in where beauty isn't always appreciated. What a world.
Monday, July 22, 2013
Being normal isn't all it is cracked up to be. people feel like they have to look a certain way or act a certain way in order for someone to like you. this happens especially in relationships. girls may act dumb or just silly to get some male attention. this has become normal.. it disappoints me that the new "normal" is superficial and fake. the beauty of not being normal is there is no right or wrong. no matter if you are awkward or just kind of there, you are still you. Abnormality attains more beauty than normality.
some girls are what you call "typical white girls" they get in front of a camera, throw up a peace sign, pucker their lips, and put one hand on their hip. How do I know this? because its normal and I expect it from any "typical white girl" however, abnormality is interesting. plus it makes for an interesting photo graph. even if the pose may seem awkward and maybe a little uncomfortable it can be very intriguing to look at. it creates shadows and dimension that wouldn't naturally occur in a typical photograph. that's why normal is over rated. why would you want to be something someone expects? why not surprise them? be who you want to be even if some people view it as abnormal or weird. why be superficial when you can be you?
-empty canvas-
Sunday, July 21, 2013
happy sunday^^
Well it's Sunday! Today has been a pretty good day over all. I have had lots of different things go through my mind today. I have thought about things from frogs to frozen yogurt, but one thing stuck out. I thought about families. I hear a lot of people stories about their family falling apart because their parents are getting divorced or what ever their circumstance may be. It makes me grateful about how my family is today. At one point I had this feeling of complete despair and feeling like my world was spinning out of control and my family is falling apart. and it wasn't just for a little while. For a long time I didn't even want to get up in the morning and face all of the hurt that I knew I would experience that day. I am glad all of that is over now and I am grateful that it is. I am glad that my mom and dad aren't divorced, and I am glad they don't fight all of the time. I know a lot of people have to face many different family crisis, but I am truly grateful I have an eternal family.
I know this was my third post today, but oh well! There might even be more:)
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