Tuesday, July 23, 2013

what. a. world.

What a world we live in. Full of life and full of beauty. Colors pop with the slightest glimmer of sunlight. Colors hot like crimson, and cool like turquoise. We are surrounded by the most gracious and astounding shapes, colors, and life. But somehow we all seem to miss it. day after day we walk around and don't stop to appreciate the beauty that surrounds us daily. People get caught up in the hustle and bustle of city life. As the city is beautiful, it lacks the colors of nature that brings peace to our minds. We get astounded by vast building and art sculptures that capture our attention when the real beauty is right beneath our feet. We walk on it everyday. Our eyes skim past it while we get into our cars and our senses seem to ignore the elements of nature as we go about our lives. But then we have those moments when our senses override the auto pilot of ignorance and we look closer and discover the most amazing things. We notice the sheen that graces leaves as the sun gleams across it. We see the flowers that seem to stand out among the rest of the shrubbery. We also see the roughness of the bark that makes patterns that never follow any rules. Then soon enough we get sucked back into the auto pilot world where the only things we find interesting are the little blue lights that make a text message glow. What a world we live in that we look past natural beauty and try to create our own. What a world we live in where the most beautiful things get walked on and forgotten. What a world we live in where beauty isn't always appreciated. What a world.

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