Saturday, July 20, 2013

Who is Emma?

Who is Emma?

If I had to explain myself to another person being as a third party here is what I would say.

~Emma is a girl who never knows what she wants, but is always certain of her goal. She hates arguing with anyone. Confrontation kills her inside. She wants to be anyone's friend even if she may come off a little stuck up. She tries to be funny, but sometimes it comes off rude. She knows who she is and what she wants to accomplish in life. She goes through twists and turns making some right choices and some wrong, but she tries to make things right. she doesn't always succeed in the things she wants, but she learns to get over it and try again. She loves her older brother no matter how many times he was ever rude to her. she says she hates her little brother, but if anything ever happened to him she wouldn't be able to continue without him. Her dad means the world to her. She wishes she could spend more time with him. Her mom is her absolute best friend. She does everything with her and she cries when she thinks about losing her even for a second. she loves make-up. It is her passion. Her family doesn't really understand why you need so much, but it makes her happy. It lets her creative side come out in something girly. She also can never make up her mind. she has had her room color change a lot it has been Purple, Orange, Pink, Blue, and Tan. She likes to change things up a lot. She is happy at the moment even if she has made mistakes before. She loves her family and she loves herself~


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