Sunday, March 30, 2014


I have a confession... I am a grilled cheese addict... it has become a real problem. Week after week spending money on cheese.. and bread.. and butter... I am becoming broke because of this habit, but I just cant resist that cheesy, melty, crispy goodness. I am worried that if I do not stop now that I will fight this addiction for the rest of my college years. I say I can stop any time I want to, but is that really true? I have never put it to the test. I'm glad I got that off my chest... 

Anyways, in other news, I am going home in two weeks... yay... I hate this so much. I am excited to go see my family, but I am not so keen on leaving everyone else behind.. It is really hard to think about leaving and after last night.. I don't even know. I kind of have hope, but I don't want to have hope because I feel like it is gonna get ripped out from beneath me just as fast as I obtained it.. I hate this. I want to go home. I want to stay here. I don't want to leave people behind. Most of all, I don't want to see him with someone else.. I am scared.. Why do I have to go through this? Why cant things just stay the same? I hate change, I hate having to start over, I hate feeling like I have no choice in my decisions, I hate feeling lost in a place I am supposed to call home. 

I wrote this about a week ago. 

*As a disclaimer! I am not posting this for any other reason other than this is where I write what I feel. Who ever wants to read this can, but its not FOR anyone. It is for me.*


He left today.
He gave me reasons,
but I couldn't hear him over my heart pounding in my ears.
I stared at the ground and held my tears back
I didn't want to cry in front of him.
I would not let him see me break.
I felt nauseous
My whole world was flipped upside down
One day there another day gone
I didn't understand
I hugged him a little too tight
I felt like I would never see him again
I walked towards the stairs
That’s when it hit me
My breath became short
The stairs seemed to be never ending
I opened the door and the light inside felt blinding
I squinted away from it,
But I still felt like I was in the dark.
I walked swiftly by everyone
I tried to hold it together,
But once my door latched
My world fell apart.
With the closing of that door
I felt all of my doors close.
I buried my face in my palms
The tears fell down my cheeks.
I felt their warmth grace my chin then fall to my neck.
I threw my head up asking why
I wanted to just sit there forever.
I have never felt my heart hurt like that
I have never been in so much pain
It felt like someone punched me in the stomach
I couldn't breathe
I felt heavy
I didn't know what to do.
Day after day I cried
I cried in class,
I cried walking to my classes
I cried when I looked at myself in the mirror.
I cried even harder at night when the lights went out
I couldn't escape the darkness that would surround me.
There was no way to escape my thoughts
There was no way to turn off the hurt.
So I decided to let myself become numb
I numbed everything
I numbed the hurt
I numbed the happy
I forgot how to feel
After the numbness things got better and worse
I started eating again
I did homework more diligently
But I wasn't happy
Nothing brought me happiness
I would laugh,
But it wasn't happiness
Blocking things out just seemed easier
It was easier not to feel
I can feel more now,
But not everything
I still block some of it out
Things got better
I got better.
I felt better.
But now,

I feel nothing. 

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